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Key documents
Earth Blox partners with Chloris Geospatial to expand forest carbon assessments and compliance solutions
Earth Blox, a leading provider of spatial intelligence for managing climate and nature-related risk and compliance, today announced a partnership with Chloris Geospatial, a pioneer in forest carbon data. This collaboration integrates Chloris’s premium, high-resolution above ground biomass data directly into the Earth Blox platform, enabling businesses to conduct comprehensive forest carbon assessments anywhere on the planet at speed and scale.
Upstream Tech and Chloris Geospatial Partner to Accelerate Access to Forest Carbon Data
Chloris Geospatial’s forest carbon data will soon be available in Lens, Upstream Tech's product for landscape monitoring, enabling users to access cutting-edge global forest carbon data anywhere on earth in one easy-to-use platform.
5 Take-Aways from London Climate Action Week 2024
Florian Reber, Head of Partnerships at Chloris Geospatial, shares insights and reflections from our event at London Climate Action Week 2024. The event convened an incredible group of people to discuss the question: 'How can AI-supported monitoring technologies, such as direct biomass estimation, help bring trust to natural climate solutions?'
Chloris Geospatial and Pond Foundation: empowering forest conservation through data, innovation, and love
We do what we do to accelerate the transition to a nature-positive future. We do it for the planet, the animals, the people. And so does Pond Foundation, with which we are thrilled to be partnering to support forest conservation efforts through science-based technology, data-driven solutions, and love for forests.
Three priorities to unleash the potential of algorithmic forest carbon data for the VCM
On the margins of the North American Carbon World 2024, held in San Francisco, Chloris Geospatial and Pachama convened a roundtable discussion on algorithmic forest carbon data and the opportunities it can unlock for carbon markets.
Five tests to assess the viability and integrity of forest carbon digital MRV solutions
COP28 has galvanized renewed public and private sector commitment to forest conservation and restoration. Fit-for-purpose carbon data and monitoring systems can now play a vital role to ensure that these commitments are translated into impactful actions on the ground.
Why we need to weigh, not count, trees from space
There is an old Yiddish proverb that says that “words should be weighed, not counted”. The same is true for trees. It is the weight of trees, not their number, that really matters. Specifically, it’s the weight gains and losses of trees that matter.
The Chloris REDD+ Library is here
The protection and restoration of forests is a critical climate solution. While global climate investment is at an all-time high, the last 12 months have shown a significant retreat in voluntary carbon finance for REDD+ projects, designed to avoid deforestation and degradation.
How much carbon does nature absorb?
Direct estimations of above-ground biomass dynamics produced by Chloris Geospatial reveal new insights on how much carbon is stored in woody vegetation around the world (trees, shrubs), and how these carbon pools have changed over time.
In defense of nature-based carbon markets
Though carbon-offset schemes are riddled with complexity, there is no question that they pay for something that matters. Far from being a secondary concern, supporting the natural systems that manage the stocks and flows of carbon through the planet’s ecosystems is essential to humans’ survival.
Data integrity for net-zero and nature-positive: why we need to see what the atmosphere sees
Florian Reber, Head of Partnerships at Chloris Geospatial, talks about the importance of new technological solutions and data integrity for net-zero and nature-positive.
Validation of Chloris Estimates
In this white paper, we have tested our technology against biomass estimates published by independent research centers and find that we can consistently provide accurate estimates at all scales..
My four take-aways from Davos: nature and data in the spotlight
Florian Reber, Head of Partnerships at Chloris shares his thoughts after a week in Davos - Just in time for the 2023 edition of the World Economic Forum, cold temperatures finally arrived in Switzerland. Just enough snow fell in time to fool the attendees coming from many parts of the world and give them the impression of a…
Introducing the Chloris Platform
In this newly-released white paper, Chloris Geospatial introduces its paradigm-shifting technology that delivers direct estimates of the total carbon stored in woody vegetation, in addition to the changes in carbon density resulting from deforestation, degradation, growth and regrowth processes. The technology, now...
Chloris is featured on the World Economic Forum agenda
As global economies position themselves for a low-carbon transition, data-based reporting standards for businesses aiming for this net-zero future must be measurable and verifiable. Key to the transition will be programmes to support reforestation and ecosystem restoration. Public scrutiny for these initiatives is also increasing, with..
A new biomass mapping tool can pinpoint the carbon of a single 30 metre tree
Euro News reports on the new biomass mapping tool that takes us ever closer to Earth’s actual dynamics. Chloris, founded by Marco Albani and Dr. Alessandro Baccini, provides a net view of the planet’s aboveground biomass (AGB), showing how it has changed over the last 20 years.
Chloris Geospatial selected as Top Innovator in the WEF Carbon Markets Challenge
At COP26 in Glasgow, the World Economic Forum announced that Chloris has been selected as Top Innovators in the UpLink Carbon Markets Challenge. Chloris is one of twelve company selected among 120su bmissions from 41 countries. Chloris is in the company of a distinguished set of innovators, including carbon market pioneers like the...